Memories Matter

Save your family history today

  • Digitise


    Photo Albums



  • Convert

    Home Movies

    Audio Cassettes

    Data Transfer

  • Design

    Photo Album Reproduction

    Photo Books


    Artworks/Wall Art

Professional Digital Photo Scanning and Video Conversion

Why Digitise?

Do you have boxes and piles of photos or photo albums that you don’t know what to do with?

How would you like to be able to view them on your computer, TV or device?

Where are your home movies and family slides now?

When did you last view them? Do you even have a VHS, video camera or slide projector anymore?

How would you feel if you lost those photos, albums, slides and tapes?

Home insurance won’t bring them back!

Create a digital archive of your old photos, video tapes, school photos and family albums now and you can be assured these memories will live forever.

It is time your photos met our scanners and entered the 21st Century!

Our professional scanning team is here to help.

Save Old Photos and Videos

What’s the Urgency?

Over time, the materials used to create photos, slides, negatives and home movies deteriorate.

Colours fade, they risk being damaged or becoming mouldy.

Home movies and VHS risk damage from mould and the tapes become old and brittle.

Equipment to digitise some formats is becoming obsolete.

National Film and Archive of Australia have given a deadline of 2025 to digitise video tapes before these images are lost forever.

Eventually all of us will choose to do one of three things with our photos, slides, photo albums, VHS and home video camera tapes.

Will we either throw them out, take the time to scan and convert them ourselves, or get a professional scanning service to help. Which one will you choose?

Photo Book Design Services

Digitise your History

History Savers provides a complete digisation service involving coming to you to pick up your photos, negatives, slides and home movies get you started in to creating your complete family archive.

Once digitised, all your family images are then stored together along with your current digital photos and videos for easy access now and into the future.

By doing this they will always be protected against environmental damage such as mould and mildew as well as natural disasters and accidents such as house floods and fires.

You will be guaranteed to save and enjoy those magic moments and memories for future generations.

Quality Slide and Photo Scanning

Your History Deserves the very best

At History Savers, as a highly professional scanning service, quality always comes first.

We only use flatbed scanners to digitise your photos and save your scans as 800 DPI in the highest resolution JPEG format. Slides and negatives are scanned at 4000 DPI using quality Nikon optical scanners.

This means that you will always have an image that can be used for any requirement in the future.

Professional Image Post Production

More than just scanning

When we scan your photos and slides, we have only just begun. Every photo we digitalise is then individually cropped, colour balanced and enhanced by our expert team.

We always want to remain true to the essence of each scanned image.

Quality post production should simply make your photos look better and easier to engage rather than changed or retouched in any way.

Our endeavour is always to bring out the true character of your photos.