Clubs and Businesses
History Savers has a strong history of digitising historical collections for Australian clubs, businesses, government and institutions.
When your business or club creates a digital archive and celebrates your proud history through slideshows, photobooks and displays on the website, it demonstrates your longevity and provides confidence to your customers and members in the history of your organisation.
We will digitise and catalogue your complete historic photo, document and video collection and provide them to you on Hard Drive, ensuring they are safe forever and ready to use for your advertising, marketing, celebrations and archives.
The team at History Savers also specialises in creating beautiful photobooks and slideshows to celebrate your anniversary and significant milestones.
Every Sporting club, Music club, RSL club, Historical and Cultural Group as well as Government and Political Branches and all Corporate Institutions have a history that deserves to be preserved, digitised and insured for the future.
Contact us now and we will come to you to help get you started and create your historical archive.