Home Movies
Home Movies
Do you have home movies on outdated formats?
Over the years video tapes deteriorate and become brittle.
Video recorders and all magnetic tape will become obsolete in the coming years, it is only a matter of time before this important family history is lost forever.
History Savers can convert your home movies in formats such as VHS, VHS-C, Hi 8, Video 8, Mini DV and Mini DVD to current MP4 format and provide them on USB or DVD.
Once converted your videos will always be safe and preserve these precious moments for you and future generations to connect with and enjoy.
Home Movie Conversions:
Video Transfer (under 45 mins) $40
Video Transfer (45 mins - 2 hours) $60
Video Transfer (over 2 hours) $80
Video Transfers are supplied in MP4 format on USB/Hard Drive
USB: $30.00
This Pricing Applies to All VHS and Video Camera Formats
Minimum Charge: $80.00