Photo albums

Photo Albums

Photo Album Scanning and Digitalisation

Are your photo albums currently tucked away in cupboards, boxes, shelves or perhaps even buried deep in storage?

Do you ever take out your old family photo albums to look through them and notice the albums wearing, photos fading, mildew forming and generally falling apart? All hard copy prints eventually wear and fade.

With our high-quality flatbed scanners, we can easily save and recover your photo albums so you can enjoy them more than ever before.

Whether your photos are in sleeves in albums, stuck into the album behind acetate film or date back over 100 years, we can help.

Every photo album is scanned according to its requirements to ensure the safety of the original album and create lovely high-quality digital images, carefully cropped, colour corrected and balanced by our expert team.

Our aim is to mirror your hard copy photo albums into a digital archive.

We create separate, clearly named folders for each album, capture any text written along with photos and take great care to bring the best out in each and every photo contained in your albums.

History Savers has the expertise to professionally scan and digitise every style of photo album.


Photos in Albums:

1-100 $1.80 101-500 $1.50 501-1000 $1.30 1001-2500 $1.10 2500 + $1.00

USB: $30.00

All Photos Scanned on Flatbed Scanners at 800DPi Minimum Resolution

Minimum Charge: $80.00



