Negative Scanning
Do you have negatives stored away that you don’t know what to do with? You are not alone.
Negatives and film are the closest to the original format you can get, however, their detail is often deteriorating in the same way as slides and transparencies.
Our extensive photographic background allows us to scan 35mm negatives, as well larger and smaller format negatives and apply the comprehensive post scan production the digitisation of negative film requires.
History Savers can digitise your negatives using our specialist negative scanners so that you can re-discover these lost photos.
35mm Negatives and Smaller: 1-100 $2.00 101-500 $1.80 501-1000 $1.60 1001-2500 $1.40 2500 + $1.20
USB: $30.00
All Slides and Negatives Scanned at 4000 DPI Using Specialised Film Scanners
Minimum Charge: $80.00
Large Format Negatives, Advantix & Roll Film: 1-100 $4.20 101-500 $3.60 501+ $3.20
USB: $30.00
Minimum Charge: $80.00