
Slide scanning

Professional Slide Scanning

Slide photography was very popular in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, some of you will remember slide nights when we gathered friends and family together to project our photos on the wall.

Do you still even own a slide projector? Where are those boxes of slides now? What moments, travels, personal and family history is being lost in your photographic slides? Did you know they are fading and the colour is wearing right now?

History Savers can digitise your boxes of slides using our specialised Nikon film scanners to ensure the security of your original slides and provide beautiful high-resolution scans.

Our scanners apply digital corrections, dramatically reducing the effects of dust and mould. In addition to these digital corrections our expert team then individually assesses your photos and colour correct, balance contrast and levels and bring out the very best in your images.


35mm Slides: 1-100 $2.00 101-500 $1.80 501-1000 $1.60 1001-2500 $1.40 2500 + $1.20

USB: $30.00

All Slides and Negatives Scanned at 4000 DPI Using Specialised Film Scanners

Minimum Charge: $80.00

Larger Format Slides: 1-100 $4.20 101-500 $3.60 501+ $3.20

USB: $30.00

Minimum Charge: $80.00

